Power ConnectionsPower ConnectionsPower Connections
Irvine, CA 92618
Power ConnectionsPower ConnectionsPower Connections

Career Ups and Downs

As Outplacement Consultants and Executive Coaches, we help people in every stage of their career. Through the ups and downs, and going sideways, we believe that everyone can find their upward trajectory. Where do you find yourself at this moment with your own career?

If you are in on a roller coaster, and experiencing a downturn, don’t worry that this is going to last forever. People rise from serious career depths only to do extremely well in their careers. Yet, it requires an honest dialogue with oneself. Soul searching and having uncomfortable conversations about the decisions you made and how you conducted yourself is extremely helpful. A commitment to act and execute strategies is then necessary because our careers rarely fix themselves if we remain passive.

Do you need a career reorientation? Feeling burned out? This too shall pass if you have the right conversations with yourself and are willing to make changes, face the genuine issues and/or adapt to the realities of the job.

Wherever you find yourself in your career, if you need help reorienting, rising from a downturn, figuring out what you want to next or just want to create a career plan, let us know. We are here. We can help. Give us a call.

949-285-9541 | Susan@PowerConnectionsInc.com